1) No Real world politics or hot social topics in General Chats please.
[*Private party chat is not of empirical concern unless it creates issues]
2) You are your Character: Your real life is allowed full privacy.
3) Be Polite to people. You represent the Empire. No attacking other players or free-range crude behaviors – We value etiquette & decorum.
4) Respect people’s differences: Cultural, Spiritual-Religious or other Beliefs, Their Personalities, Habits etc. – We are all unique, and in that uniqueness, we are beautiful, worthy of curiosity and light of the sun.
5) Use Appropriate (PG13) Language unless in a private party where all agree. General Chats in games, on Discord etc are seen by a wide and sometimes public audience. Represent well the flag you carry.
6) In-Game Ranks and Promotions should be based on either character progress or on advancing skills. Their overall contribution to the Shogunate is also a very relative consideration. This is especially true in Discord where one’s rank may affect the wider Empire of Shogunates.
7) Use your chain of command for complaints: In Game Samurai > Daimyo > Shogun >> Then: Discord’s Daimyo.
Note: No one besides Daimyo should bring official complaints to the magistrate or empress unless they are of grave concern: life, limb, eyesight, legal concerns. We believe in solving problems at local levels.
8) In a Game: Members who are inactive for 90 days are removed. We do not normally remove members from Discord without rule infractions.
9) In a Game: Only one of a player’s characters may have rank, the others will be Adventurers, or of a community type rank.
10) Discord postings should match the channels topic or may be deleted.
11) All members are Diplomats in all realms: Be mindful of behavior in public, represent the Shogunate well in all the realms. Strong with Humility, but stand well to your convictions of heart. We support You.
12) YES! You may invite friends. BUT! ~No Blind Invites: All members may recruit, but please say hello first and offer them to join. give them some info, – Share who we are first. We want growth, but we want interested and interesting peeps even more. Make a friend, bring em along for the conquest – there is much to do!
Note: We are generally an 18+ guild unless accompanied by parent/guardian. – we expect mature respectful behavior, but too we can sometimes have adult humor or topics, smoking, drinking and other less cordial antics or convo in private parties, where and when appropriate, time-&-place etc. – We are not a rabbled guild of unchecked mayhem.
^-^/’ *We appreciate your respect in this regard and wish to minimize any unnecessary social scenes as diplomacy and reputation, of being a respectable guild, are important.
~ Empress Jiyu Mononoke.